
1 Corinthians 3:4-8 “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails…”

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I just came to the gloomy realization that everyone I know is a victim of sad circumstances and events brought about by hurtful people in their lives. I was beginning to wonder how I could be the only one surrounded by so much drama when I discovered it’s not just me…it is a life phenomena.

People are no long responsible for their own behavior. They are victims. We as a society are pervasively the victims and the product of broken homes, poor parenting, physical and emotional abuse, childhood bullying and substandard education; just to name a few of the plethora of excuses as to why we may not be accountable for our actions.

Does anyone but me notice that when people have issues, regardless of the circumstance, it is always some ‘other’ person’s fault. Regardless of the poor choices and actions of the individual it is always our family member or friend that is right.

We see that continually in breakup of relationships and marriages. A family member can be divorced four, five, even six times. It is always the ‘other’ person who is at fault. What happened to the accountability for continued wrong choices? Why do people continue to make the same stupid mistakes…the same disastrous choices for their lives and then expect people to sympathize with their plight and even better yet fix their situation? As long as you agree that they are thoroughly misused and damaged by the world at no fault of their own, you are a hero. Don’t bother to suggest that they might need to make some changes in their lives. If you even slightly disagree or infer that they might have any part in sabotaging their own life, then they are a victim of your lack of concern and insensitivity, and anything else you may have done over the years to hurt their little Psyche. Be sure that they have kept a list that will immediately surface regardless of how wonderful you were when you agreed with them.

It seems to me that people might continue to make bad choices because it allows them to be a victim. These bad choices produce drama. Drama brings the attention that validates their worth and reminds them and others that life is all about ‘them’. It leaves little time for considering others or concern as to how their actions or choices might affect their life or the lives around them. That’s fortunate for them because they can spend more time feeling sorry for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I just looked recently and didn't see a new post my friend. Good for you; I love seeing you write on your blog. I have certainly seen where ones' poor, selfish choices has had like a domino affect on others for years to come. Wow, I wonder what would happen if people were truly responsible for their own actions? I certainly hope I never get the label "Drama Queen." I have tried my best to not ever let anyone see me a Victim of Circumstance. I would rather be a Victorious Victim of Cirmcumstance :).
