
1 Corinthians 3:4-8 “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails…”

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where Did All My Money Go?

It amazes me that there are still so many people that don’t understand why allowing the government so much control over our lives is not a good plan. I’ve got a prime example.

Several months ago my son went to court and due to various circumstances he was awarded full custody of his children. They had been living with him full time for several months and he was not paying child support at that time. However, the mother had been collecting welfare for the children though they were not in her care. Unfortunately he did not go to court to have the child support orders changed. When he did go to court and received the new custody agreement he believed the child support order was changed…wrong. He found that out one morning when he when he went to use his ATM card and it was declined. Child support services here had impounded his funds. My son did get an emergency court hearing and within a week the money was returned to his account. Of course he had to take time off work the day the money disappeared to go to the courthouse to fill out papers to appear and then the day of court. That doesn’t help someone who is already struggling as a single parent in this economy. But at least it was resolved…he thought.

President Obama ordered a $250.00 payment for those receiving veteran’s benefits. However, though regular benefits cannot be impounded, the stimulus payments were fair game for government agencies. Instead of a check he received a notice saying that his payment went to the Child support division who promptly sent it to his children’s mother living alone in Wisconsin! Amazing right???? Not as much as the fact that he was told by the agency that he would likely not be able to get his money back. So…He went back to court. He was scheduled for a date for a compliance and visitation review anyway...one that the mother did not attend. When my son told the judge what happend with his check he was flabbergasted and kept asking the attorney representing the county. "Did your agency really do that?" The representative replied “Well, yes but let me explain...”

The judge was buying none of it and also told the very expensive attorney representing the mother that he wanted that money returned by the mother before the next court date. He told the attorney for the County…that this situation with the child support would be fixed…immediately. No excuses...

Keep in mind my son who is already struggling not only keeps getting money taken but has to take time off to fix it. He can’t afford an attorney but they keep taking money to give to someone who not only does not have the minor children but lives 2000 miles away but who has access to a very prestigious and expensive attorney here in San Diego.

Fast forward several weeks later…a money order from the children’s mother finally arrives for his $250.00. He was very grateful since his son has cerebral palsy and needed a new brace. That was two days ago. This morning he goes to pay his rent and the payment is declined because…. It’s beyond my conception of reality but at this point no one should be surprised… The county took $1200 dollars out of his account…again.

So after he called me let me know this latest debacle he’s off to court to try to see the judge so he can get his money to pay his rent. You know…for the place he pays for so his children don’t have to live on the streets. The children the welfare department is so concerned about that they keep taking money to pay for their support…from the person who is supporting them.

Anyone who does not see that the government has been allowed to manipulate and control so much of our economy…our lives…our bank accounts that it is starting to jeopardize our freedom is not paying attention to what is going on around them.

Our taxes are overwhelming…we keep less and less of our income. (Those of us who are still employed) And the government has access to our bank accounts and can take our money at their discretion. Isn’t their something wrong with that? What happened to a free nation and the government President Lincoln mentions in his address?

"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Well first of all our legislators are denying that we are a nation under God and we are fast becoming a people directed by the government for the government with no concern for the people that they are there to serve. Instead of the people in power serving us…we are catering to them…paying their outlandish salaries and serving their special interests.

At the rate we are going it won’t be long until we are all in bread lines. And will be praying that the pittance that the government allows us to be paid from the jobs they control and allow us to keep, at their discretion shows up and is not removed for our bank accounts. Oh right…we won’t need bank accounts. They will keep it all for us and when we want something we’ll just lean forward so they can swipe our forehead. Just wait…you’ll see…it’s going to happen!

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